Monday 25 May 2009

Looking for Truth in the Metal Aisle.

I was in the process of making a compilation for my better half when I was inspired to write this. One of the most important things to me in music is that the band are speaking the truth. The lyrics mean alot to me, and how they connect and work with the melody, and how well they do that, changes them from a half decent track to something amazing. It's rare these days that I find a band I connect with on that level. When I was in my teens, I found that I connected with so many songs, that the soundtrack to my teenage angst was as much a part of me as I was. I was hoping, possibly naively, that as I grew, the bands that I grew to trust would grow too. How wrong I was. Some are still, I feel, churning out the same songs but with no where near the passion they used to, whereas others have gone off and got engaged to Nicole Ritchie, thus undermining much of what I thought of them.

I don't know whether I'd have loved this song so much from the off if it wasn't for the fact that a friend of mine is going through a bad patch, and as such the lyrics of this song resonated with me because I was thinking about that at the time. The song I'm talking about is "Your First Love Is Dead" by Telegraphs. It's worth a listen, and I have to say that I really love it. It's alt-rock, almost upbeat, but with a hint of what emo used to be, before the 'scene' grew out of control. The singer, Darcy, has a voice that reminds me of the lead singer of InMe, but with a more mature sound. I'm eagerly awaiting the bands album, and I'm hoping that the album holds that thing I've been looking for. Truth.

"In between the frames of you
I'm trying to find out what is true
So turn the lights out

Now you understand that your heart has a half-life
And all your enemies are outside listening
You see nothing in their eyes, no surprise
Your first love is dead "

Saturday 9 May 2009


Endings and XOXO

Last night was my last night out at University. I've been in Chester for three years studying journalism, and am driving back down to London on Monday. Me and my housemates, a few friends of my course and some other people I've made friends with during my time here went and hit the SU. It was fun times, but also quite poignant. In the last three years I grown up, changed immensely, met amazing people and all things going well I should get a degree out of it. It was a little upsetting at points, thinking that last night would be the last time I see the tiny un air conditioned Union... Bless it.

:D On to happier notes, I'm off to watch more Gossip Girl <3

Make Up Look 1

So here's the pic of that look. I would put a picture of my whole face but I wasn't liking any of the pics, so here are bits of them... 



Happy times. If your wondering what face these features sit on, here's a picture of me that I actually like.

Thursday 7 May 2009

Idol: Scarlett

Every now and then I will blog about the women that inspire me, and who's look I'd like to emulate. I really love Scarlett, I admire her as an actress and think she's incredibly talented. Her hour glass figure is something I covet, and she always looks flawless. Even when papped running around Manhattan she looks incredible- when I pop out for milk I look more tramptastic than I do fantastic.  In terms of the make up she uses, Scarlett does both dramatic and natural perfectly. I, like her, have really full lips and whereas when I was younger I would detract attention from my lips with heavy eye make up and refuse to wear lip gloss etc for fear of making my lips look too big, I've recently gained confidence to wear lip stick to make a feature of my lips- largely due to following how Scarlett does her make up and what works on her. 

I took a picture of Scarlett with me into the Mac counter at my local Debenhams and asked for advice to emulate a natural make up look (the irony of using make up to achieve a natural look isn't lost on me, don't you worry...) In the picture, Scarlett was wearing a very glossy sheer lip colour (matched roughly to Mac's Enchantress), Lip Liner (replicated using Mac Spice), and blended eye shadows (I was recommended to use Mac Shroom and All That Glitters). 

I finished off the look with a lot of liquid eye liner, which I'm now a bit of a pro at applying (only taken me 6 years to get right lol). I'll pop a picture up of how I look in this make up tomorrow morning. 


I've decided, being my little crazy and impulsive self, that I would like to embark on a professional make up course. After spending the last 20 years of my life erring on the tom-boy/emo side of life, I've discovered that I really like make up- the actual art of it. Changing, highlighting, disguising... what can be done fascinates me. After some thought (I don't tend to think much, I do things on impulse. If it feels right, I go for it), I've looked into some make courses in my home town of London. Now, I'm a little strapped for cash (understatement of the year...) but I'm hoping to earn some pennies and fund my way through some courses and hopefully learn something. I plan to use this blog to document my trails and tribulations as I fumble around the world of employment attempting not to make a mess of things, and probably, knowing me, go on random tangents about things I find note worthy. ENJOY.